Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 324 of our Green Year: Seafood For The Future

Throughout Our Green Year, we have done various things to help the sea environment. We have done the Click To Donate on to help the sea. We only buy fish that has been caught in a sustainable manner. We limit how much shrimp we buy and we only buy shrimp that is organic as well. In addition, we have talked about FishPhone.

However, there is another website out there that can help;

In the Los Angeles area, seafood consumption is twice that of the rest of the nation and nearly all of the seafood (80 percent) is imported. This is why it is so important to have fish that comes from sustainable sources. By finding fish from sustainable sources, it reduces harmful fishing methods and reduces carbon footprints.
This is why the Aquarium of the Pacific has created Seafood for the Future. As they describe it:

"Seafood for the Future will provide for consumers, chefs, and restaurateurs a labeling system, supported by extensive transparent research, that will empower them to easily identify sustainable and healthy seafood choices. We will be working closely with your favorite restaurants and their seafood suppliers to ensure that approved products are safe- both for you and the environment."

According to their website:
  • "We actually want people to eat more seafood - not just because it’s delicious, but because eating seafood is the best way to get the Omega-3 fatty acids you need to keep your mind sharp and your heart healthy. If it’s not healthy for you, we won’t recommend it, even if it comes from an eco-friendly source.
  • We look at the source of the seafood, not just the species in question. Sometimes the sustainability of a fish depends on where, when, and how it was caught. We do the legwork to find the best sources for recommended species.
  • We are focused on building relationships between restaurants, fish suppliers, and consumers in Southern California. Having our logo next to a menu item means that we have built a network of trust that extends from the source all the way to your plate.
  • We support fish farming, both domestically and abroad, wherever sustainable aquaculture is practiced. We’ve seen that good aquaculture practices produce high-quality seafood with positive environmental impacts (see our Education page on the topic). We also know that capture fisheries won’t be able to keep up with the world’s demand for seafood. However, it’s important to support farms that embrace sustainable practices in this growing field"
This is why we are happy to raise awareness of