Recently we have come across the concept of precycling. Precycling is recycling in a pro-active way by thinking about what we buy and the packaging that comes in it. We do this already to some extent, as has been detailed in the blog, but it was such a great concept we thought we just had to let others know about it.
Some precycling tips that we already follow, or will follow from this point on, include:
- Use cloth instead of paper towels.
- Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries.
- Donate all your redundant or old items to charities and non-profit organizations.
- Repair broken items instead of throwing them away.
- Turn old clothing into rags.
- Re-use everything you can from what you buy.
- Give used magazines
- Buy loose fruits and vegetables instead of packaged ones.
- Do not buy disposable anything.
- Do not buy single-use items.
- Buy in bulk when you can. (As we now do since we live on a ranch)
- Get e-mail subscriptions to newspapers and magazines rather than snail-mail subscriptions.
- Buy re-usable pens (or pens made from corn as we have)
Thomas Tucker from did a podcast interview with us today. We really appreciate him taking the time to talk with us. Our blog is featured on, where each blog is published there as well as here. Check out the podcast below for our interview!