Today, we are going to go green with the pets once again, but this time it is not with their food. In fact, this also concerns Layla and I because we will be going green with our clothing in the same way. How are we doing this? Through hemp of course.
Hemp is a natural, and one of the most ecologically-friendly materials in the world. Of course it has a bad name in some areas because of marijuana, but the truth is that hemp is natural, strong and environmentally-friendly. As a result, Layla and I have decided to go green with our pets and ourselves by using hemp.
First, we bought one of our dogs a collar and lead made of hemp, which is more natural, stronger and looks great. On top of that, Layla and I will be buying hemp clothing for ourselves from now on. It is a bit more expensive but the hemp clothing is not made in a sweat shop and we can be assured that what we buy is good for humanity, and the environment as well.
You can find hemp in several stores in your local city, and you can order them online. I highly recommend them as they are comfortable on your body. Here are just a few tidbits about the great fiber known as hemp.
- Hemp holds its shape with one of the lowest percent elongation of any natural fiber.
- Hemp has the best warmth and softness characteristics compared to other natural fibers.
- Hemp has been around for 8,000 years as something humans use, and as early as 2,000 years ago, it was used as paper in China. Until 1883, as much as 90 percent of the paper on Earth was made with hemp fiber, including an early draft of the Declaration of Independence.
- Hemp is a renewable resources that grows faster than trees, making it very cost-effective. Hemp also produces more pulp per acre than timber.
- Hemp fiber paper resists decomposition and does not yellow as it ages. Hemp paper dating back 1,500 years has been found. You can even recycle hemp paper more times than wood-based paper.