Today, we are sharing another great website that helps the environment by using the power of the internet. Like Freecycle, LendAround is a website that uses the amazing networking opportunities of the internet to help us share our resources, rather than hording them.
Just launched yesterday, LendAround specializes in DVDs and the opportunity for sharing them amongst the people who use the internet. Through LendAround, you can borrow DVDs from others for free, thereby saving yourself money and saving the production of DVDs by not needing to buy any.
All you need to do is list the DVDs that you own, invite your friends and the website will arrange the loans and help keep track of where all the DVDs are. You can have a network of friends that share DVDs, allowing you to share literally thousands of DVDs between all of you.
It is estimated that there are 2,000,000,000 DVDs in homes around the United States and Canada. However, only 80 percent of those are watched twice a year. Rather than holding onto DVDs you never watch, you can share them with others so they don't buy DVDs that they hardly watched.
Any service that limits waste, helps us share what we already have and helps the environment is good in our books.
You can visit LendAround at