Layla loves tea, and months ago we went green by buying fair-trade tea and making dandelion tea when we have dandelions at our disposal.
Today, we are going green again by choosing not to buy tea bags, and instead buying loose tea leaves that we will put into a small steeping canister to make tea. Tea bags can create a lot of waste and they are only used briefly. By using reusable tea canisters, we can keep from using those tea bags, and instead use the loose tea leaves.
Not all companies are bad for their tea bags. Some companies have bio-degradable tea bags that break down when composted. These are great products but we thought it was better to just use the tea canister.
Once we are done with the tea leaves, we will put them in the compost so that they can be broken down over time and then reused as part of the soil to make our plants and garden grow high.
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